HathiTrust opened up copyrighted material in their digital library to member institutions with copies of those items in their physical collections. This means that any books available through HathiTrust which are also in UB’s collections will be available online without the additional step of requesting a digital scan. More than half of UB’s book collection is contained in HathiTrust’s online collection.
To access materials:
- Go to HathiTrust at http://www.hathitrust.org/home.
- Log In with Partner Institution: University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, and UBIT name and password.
- Once authenticated as a University at Buffalo Libraries user, search for the item you wish to view.
- Click on the Temporary Access link at the bottom of the record to Check Out the item through the Emergency Temporary Access Service.
Access to books is for 60 minutes; however, any session will be extended if the user is still actively using the book. To protect the author’s rights books cannot be downloaded in any way; they may only be read online in an active session while using HathiTrust.
For additional information, view Emergency Temporary Access Services (ETAS): Information for Users at https://www.hathitrust.org/ETAS-User-Information.
Detailed instructions (including how to use the service on a phone or tablet) can be found at https://www.hathitrust.org/ETAS-How-To
For assistance with access to these and other digital resources at UB, please email library@buffalo.edu .