Dr. Keith Mages
The University at Buffalo Libraries are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Keith Mages as the Curator of the Robert L. Brown History of Medicine Collection.
Dr. Mages will begin his post on May 13, 2021 and will guide the History of Medicine Collection’s research services, collection strategies, and exhibition programs. He will also engage in sustained outreach to faculty, students, community members, and research scholars.
Mages brings over a decade of experience in health sciences librarianship to this position, along with a deep knowledge of the Collection which he gained by working for several years with late curator, Linda Lohr. During his time in the History of Medicine Collection, Mages answered historical medical reference and research inquiries, prepared and mounted exhibits, interacted with donors, conducted outreach, and planned numerous events.
In addition to his previous experience with the Collection, he spent the last five years at Weill Cornell Medicine as a Clinical Medical Librarian working with a variety of constituents including academic and clinical faculty, residents, students, and patients.
Dr. Mages holds a PhD in History of Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania, a Master of Library Science from the University at Buffalo, and a Master of Science in Nursing from Yale University.
His office will be located in the History of Medicine Collection, on the lower level of Abbott Library.