James Platt White
Born: 1811Death: 1881
James Platt White was born in Austerlitz, New York in 1811. He attended lectures at Fairfield Medical School, and in 1834, graduated from Jefferson Medical College. Along with Austin Flint and Frank Hastings Hamilton, White is credited as being a driving force in the founding of the University of Buffalo School of Medicine, and in 1846, became the school's professor of obstetrics and diseases of women and children. In 1850, White caused a furor when he broke from tradition and allowed his students to witness a woman giving birth, a first for medical schools in the United States.
When naming places on the North Campus, UB chose the founding faculty of the School of Medicine for the campus roads. White Road, which runs from the Governors Residence Halls to the University Book Store is named in honor of James Platt White.
- Sources
- Batt, Ronald Elmer, et al. Another Era: A Pictorial History of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Virginia Beach: The Donning Co., 1996 p. 19.
- Jones, Oliver P. "Our First Professor of Obstetrics James Platt White (1811-1881)." Buffalo Physician, Spring 1974, pp. 42-47.
Affiliation(s): Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Record Group(s): 19
Biographical File Contains:
- Obituary
- Photographs