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Albert Somit

Born: 1919
Death: 2020

Albert Somit's career at the University at Buffalo began in 1966 when he was hired as chair of the Department of Political Science, a position he would hold until 1969.  Somit served as the university's executive vice president (1970-1980) and acting president (October 1976-February 1977), all the while maintaining his teaching duties.  He left the university in 1980 to become the chief executive of Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

  • Sources
    • Abert Somit obituary, Buffalo News, December 20, 2020.
    • Albert Somit curriculum vitae.

Affiliation(s): President, Office of, Political Science
Record Group(s): 5, 22
Biographical File Contains:
  • CV
  • Obituary
  • Photographs