Browse Archives Collections
Records 36
Gaier (Eugene L.) Papers
Gaier was a professor in the Department of Psychology. Collection contains typescripts of published articles, book reviews, papers read at scholarly meetings, and miscellaneous research progress reports.
Topics: UB PeopleGarver (Newton) Papers, 1963-1991
Papers include correspondence with colleagues, counsel Richard Lipsitz, the A.A.U.P., the SUNY administration in Buffalo and Albany, and fellow Quakers regarding the Feinberg Certificate issue at SUNY at Buffalo and the resulting court case, Keyishian et al. vs. the New York State Board of Regents et al., in which Garver was a plaintiff, and clippings concerning the case. Also, other documents that relate to Quaker meetings held in Buffalo and in New York State.
Topics: UB PeopleGearing (Frederick O.) Center for the Study of Cultural Transmission and Project in Ethnography in Education Records, 1971-1980
Collection of materials from Frederick Osmond Gearing, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology. Includes publications relating to the Project in Ethnography and Education and the Center for the Study of Cultural Transmission, as well as extensive correspondence files, research materials, and notes.
Topics: UB PeopleGehman (Harry Merrill) Papers, 1929-1968
The papers of Professor Gehman include material relating to his activities in University of Buffalo organizations such as Phi Beta Kappa (1934-1961), AAUP (American Association of University Professors; 1932-1933, 1936), the Faculty Advisory Committee (1948-1961), and the Special Committee to Recommend a Chancellor (1948-1950). The papers also contain information about Sigma Xi, a scientific honorary society, (1934-1961) and the School of Mathematics Study Group (1958-1968). Additional material includes information on Wartime training at the University of Buffalo (1933, 1940-1945), the International Education Project (1954-1955) as well as campus maps, music, and clippings.
Topics: Education History, UB PeopleGendler (Charlotte E.) Papers, 1959-2012
Personal papers documenting aspects of Jewish community in Buffalo and Niagara Falls collected by Charlotte E. Gendler. Material includes minutes, newsletters, programs, photographs, and newspaper clippings relating to Temple Beth David-Ner Israel and other institutions.
Topics: Digital Collections, Jewish Buffalo ArchivesGeorge S. Bobinski papers, 1959-2015
Materials relating to Dr. George S. Bobinski’s work as a Dean of the School of Information and Library Studies at the University at Buffalo, as well as his research on libraries, librarianship, and information science. Of notable interest are the syllabi and notes from courses taught by Dr. Bobinski.
Topics: UB PeopleGeorgia (Burnette M.) papers, 1955-2018
This collection contains the family papers and professional materials of Georgia Burnette. The family papers includes materials and photographs of Burnette family reunions. The professional materials include Georgia Burnette's published articles on family reunions, health, travel, and African American veterans.
Topics: Women's History in WNY, Buffalo and WNY HistoryGerber (David A.) Papers
The collection consists of the professional and personal correspondence of David A. Gerber spanning from 1973 to 2019. A small amount of correspondence is not written to or by Gerber, but rather was collected by him as it references notable occurrences in his career, and occurrences worthwhile to the history of the University at Buffalo. Papers include correspondence (1973-1989), materials related to the WBFO Buffalo Social History Project (1978), visit of Khalid Muhammad of the Nation of Islam in 1994, and protesting the presentation of honorary degree to Roald Dahl (1989).
Topics: UB People, Social ActivismGifted Math Program records
The Gifted Math Program records include correspondence, program evaluations, grants, awards, information about curriculum, research and support materials for the program beginning from its inception as a Saturday enrichment program and beyond.
Topics: Education HistoryGilbert (Reg) collection of political broadsides and pamphlet, 1973-1974
Topics: Student Life, Ephemera, Social Activism
Girth (Marjorie) Papers, 1970-2010 (bulk 1970-1991)
The papers of Marjorie Girth the first female law professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo who taught from 1971-1991 and served on many law and community organizations in Buffalo, N.Y., New York State, and nationally with the American Bar Association, especially dealing with women's issues, commercial and bankruptcy law.
Topics: UB People, Women's History in WNYGoetz (Philip Becker) Papers
Copies of Lyrics and Meditations (1925); Kallirrhoe (1896); and The Summons of the King (1911); also includes a biographical sketch.
Topics: UB PeopleGolden (Samuel) Collection, 1930s-2001 (bulk 1950s-1960s)
Includes collected and created photographs, slides, commemorative booklet and research paper relating to the activities of Temple Beth El, Niagara Falls, and Jewish community life in Niagara Falls.
Topics: Jewish Buffalo ArchivesGoodenow (Ron) collection on Buffalo Schools desegregation, 1963-1973
Materials in this collection were part of a class project on the impact of Brown vs. the Board of Education in Buffalo, New York. The class was taught by Ron Goodenow, professor in the Social Foundations department.
Items concern desegregation in Buffalo in the twenty years following the Brown vs. Board of Ed decision. Contains clippings, and copies of legal documents.
Goodman (Muriel Markel) Papers, 1941-2006 (bulk 1979-1989)
Personal papers documenting the personal and career life of local communal leader, Muriel Markel Goodman. Materials include speeches, newspaper clippings, media, and other material relating to her volunteer service and professional careers in the Jewish community within several organizations. Materials relating to the Markel family are also included.
Topics: Digital Collections, Jewish Buffalo ArchivesGorbaty (Beatrice Jaffey) Textbooks, 1942
Gorbaty graduated with the Class of 1942 at the University of Buffalo. Textbooks, 1942, used at the University of Buffalo for sociology, economics and history.
Topics: Student LifeGraduate School of Education lecture tapes, 1994-2011
The Graduate School of Education lecture tapes contains VHS tapes and audio cassette tapes with recordings of visitor lectures from the Graduate School of Education, dated 1994-2011.
Topics: Audio/Visual collections, Education HistoryGraduate School of Education newsletter, 1992-present
Graduate School of Education newsletter, 1992-present contains published issues of the University at Buffalo's Graduate School of Education's newsletter.
Topics: Publications, Digital CollectionsGraduate School records, 1964-1979
This collection consists of records from the Graduate School. The records include files on committees, centers, the Nuclear Science and Technology Facility, graduate program evaluations and correspondence.
Topics: Education HistoryGraduate Student Association Records Part I, 1963-1970
Topics: Campus Unrest, Social Activism, Student Life
Graduate Student Association Records, Part II, 1970-1976
Records of the Graduate Students Association of the State University of New York at Buffalo concerning the Graduate School; Graduate Student Employees Union (GSEU); Student Association of the State University (SASU); National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education; and other bodies. Topics covered include collective bargaining; grievance procedures; state support for higher education; lobbying; student rights; and student services.
Records include correspondence of GSA officers; reports; position papers; minutes; leaflets; notes; budget working papers; and other items. Folders titled "GSA Grievances, 1972-1975" are restricted; consult archivist.
Topics: Student LifeGraduate Student Employees Union records
Web archive capturing the University at Buffalo Graduate Student Employees Union's (GSEU) website. Also includes the GSEU and Communications Workers of America Local 1104's 2019-2023 contract with the State of New York.
Topics: Student Life, Education History, Social Activism, Digital CollectionsGraduate Student Employees Union Records, 1974-1977
The Graduate Student Employees Union (GSEU) was organized during the Spring and Summer of 1974, partially in response to cuts in the SUNY budget the previous year. Its purpose was to promote the best interests of students and education at the State University of New York at Buffalo. The union ceased functioning in 1978. Records of GSEU documenting the history of the union from its inception (1974) through the strike referendum in the Spring of 1977 including newsletters; leaflets; minutes; agendas; membership lists; correspondence; and other materials; also publications from graduate students at other institutions; other unions; and printed material from the 1974 convention of the American Federation of Teachers.
Topics: Education History, Student Life, Social ActivismGrant (Kerry S.) Pan American Exposition Collection, circa 1901
Printed matter and memorabilia relating to the Pan-American Exposition held at Buffalo, New York in 1901. The materials were collected by Kerry S. Grant and donated to the University Archives in 2004 and 2005. The collection includes programs, picture books, magazines, maps, and various ephemera.
Topics: Buffalo and WNY HistoryGraycliff Construction Photographs, circa 1926-1938
Construction photographs for Graycliff, the summer home of the Darwin D. Martin family which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Topics: Design Archives, Wright, Frank Lloyd, Digital CollectionsGreaney (William A.) Papers
Minutes of the Graduate School Executive Committee (1965-1967); and minutes of the Division of Physical Sciences and Engineering (1966-1967) kept by Greaney.
Topics: UB PeopleGreater Buffalo Youth Orchestra Records, circa 1960-1975
A collection of materials including programs, announcements, correspondence and newspaper clippings about the Greater Buffalo Youth Orchestra and the Community Music School of Buffalo.
Topics: Buffalo and WNY History, Education HistoryGreater University of Buffalo Development Program and other events, 1923-1964
Records of memorials, convocations, anniversary celebrations, and fund campaigns held by the University. The majority of files concern the 1951-1952 Development Campaign, including the 1951 Niagara Frontier Convocation. This material is arranged chronologically and includes minutes, memoranda, lists of committee members and participants, diagrams of organizational structure, printed pamphlets, and other materials.
Topics: University History ResourcesGreek Life Review Committee Report, August 2019
Records related to Greek letter societies at the University at Buffalo.
Topics: University History Resources, Student Life, Digital CollectionsGreek Life vertical file, 2019
Records related to Greek letter societies at the University at Buffalo.
Topics: Digital Collections, Publications, Student LifeGreene (B. Gwendolyn) papers on the Buffalo Urban League, 1939-2007
Materials collected by B. Gwendolyn Greene on the Buffalo Urban League and William L. Evans. Evans was Executive Director of the Buffalo Urban League from 1927-1963.
Collection includes clippings, photographs, event programs, and articles.
Topics: Social Activism, Buffalo and WNY History, Women's History in WNYGreiner (Carol M.) speeches and remarks, 1993-2002
This collection contains the Speeches and remarks of Carol M. Greiner, wife of University at Buffalo President William R. Greiner. These were given at various dinners, receptions and annual university events.
Topics: UB PeopleGreiner (William R.) collection, 1991-2010
The William R. Greiner collection is comprised of five distinct collections, each described in its own series: 4/13/819, New York State resolution on the death of William R. Greiner; 4/13/966, William R. Greiner inaugural letters; 4/13/1106, William R. Greiner Renmin Law School mementos; 4/13/1143, William R. Greiner speeches and remarks; and 4/13/1249, William R. Greiner Kente graduation stoles.
Topics: UB People, University History ResourcesGreiner (William R.) photographs, 1990-2005 (bulk 1992-1996)
Topics: UB People, University History Resources, Photographs
Guidance Counselor Handbooks, circa 1939-1964
Publications prepared for high school guidance counselors and principals about educational opportunities at the University of Buffalo.
Topics: Education History, PublicationsGuthrie (Robert) Phenylketonuria (PKU) Papers, 1949-1991 (bulk 1958-1986)
Personal papers of Dr. Robert Guthrie, who is widely recognized for the development of simple screening tests that detect phenylketonuria (PKU) and other inherited metabolic diseases in newborn infants. The collection includes publicity clippings, reprints of publications, subject files, correspondence, newborn screening program tests, PKU collaborative labs, lab reports, grant files.
Topics: UB People